
English Blog (2016.05.21) "The New Linux Manual" reading workshop

I went to "The new Linux Manual" reading workshop last Saturday. It was held by the two authors and free of charge, thanks to the authors.Everybody read each section silently and asked the authors something. Moreover, they showed us some t…

The Night Hacking Tour in Osaka

I went to the Night Hacking Tour in Osaka. kanjava.connpass.com It is one of the Tour which two Java evangelists go through Japan by motorbike and have some sessions some places. One of them is Mr. Stephen Chin who is Java Community Manage…


linuxbook.connpass.com に参加してきました。 著者の三宅 英明さん@mollifier、大角 祐介さんからの発表、質疑応答もあって楽しかったです! すでに全部読んで参加したのですが、著者の方から説明を聞くとわかりやすいです。 勉強会では、いろいろ質問もで…

JavaSE9 Project Jigsawをちょっと試してみました。

Project Jigsaw itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp 上記 @skrbさんのITProの記事の内容をDockerを使ってCentOS7, JDK9の環境で試してみました。 環境作成 tomotaka.hatenablog.com Directory 構成 最終的な実行結果 adder.jar 作成 javac -d bin src/module-info.java sr…

Try Early Access Releases jdk9 on centos7

set up for centos7 docker run -it centos:latest yum -y upgrade yum -y install wget cat /etc/redhat-release add my user account useradd tomo su - tomoinstall jdk9 wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: oraclelicense=acce…

English Blog (2016.04.27)

I will go to a cafe with my friend to have breakfast this Saturday morning before going the gym. Since the cafe is close to our house, we will go there by bike and meet up in front of it.現地集合の言い方が難しかった ここでは、カフェの前で…

English Blog (2016.04.13)

I went to the gym close to my house last Saturday and Sunday. When I go there, I always take a yoga lesson. It really makes me relax. I think yoga has been getting popular recently because there are three lessons on Saturday. When I regist…


Apache 前回 Docker centos6 jdk8 - tomoTaka’s blog のcentos6,jdk8のdocker imageにさらにApacheをinstall. ここ Dockerコンテナを作成してApache2.2を動かす - Qiitaを参考にさせていただきました。 yum install http sed -i -e 's/\#ServerName www.exam…

Docker centos6 jdk8

centos まずcentos version6を取得 docker pull centos:6 jdk8 ここdocker-java8/Dockerfile at master · Mashape/docker-java8 · GitHubと http://d.hatena.ne.jp/necoyama3/20110505/1304587888 を参考に、上記centosを起動し、jdk8をinstall. docker run …