
Try to build OpenJFX

Since I take this OpenJFX for Embedded Devices [CON3307] session at JavaOne2014, I wanted to try to build OpenJFX. The session was about Building the OpenJFX embedded stack for Linux desktop,but I use Mac at first. Building the OpenJFX emb…


JavaOne2014で、OpenJFX for Embedded Devices [CON3307]のセッションを受けてちょっとOpenJFXのビルドを試してみました。2014-10-02 - tomoTakaの日記 セッションでは、embedded に関するお話だったのですが、とりあえずMacで挑戦してみました。Building th…


今日のセッション JavaOne Community Keynote [KEY10414] Lambda Programming Laboratory [HOL3373] Have a Raspberry Pi? Make Your Own Connected Smart Sensor with Java ME Embedded [HOL3982] JavaOne Community Keynote [KEY10414] 初日の続きで、@Bri…


今日のセッション OpenJFX for Embedded Devices [CON3307] Packaging Your JavaFX Apps for the Mac and the Mac App Store [CON2228] Debugging and Profiling Robots with James Gosling [CON6699] Java in the Cloud: The Good Parts [CON5100] JavaFX 3…


今日のセッション Enterprise JavaFX with OpenDolphin [TUT2257] The JavaFX Community and Ecosystem [CON3473] Going Native: Bringing FFI to the JVM [CON3979] Creating Our Robot Overlords: Autonomous Drone Development with Java and the Interne…