Rakuten Technology Conference2015

This is the third time for me to participate in Rakuten Technology Conference.
When I registered they gave me a pretty charm and a introduction card.

I was so nervous and made a mistake on my card. The word greate should be great. :-(
You can get the Time Table and some information about the conference here.Osaka Satellite: Rakuten Technology Conference 2015 on Nov. 21st - Mitsuyuki.Shiiba
I felt that all speakers have passions for their idea. And I was impressed by them.
Also I talked with a lot of nice people.
The staff allowed me to introduce the workshop which is hold next weekend about JavaEE8 in English.
Java EEエヴァンジェリストによる!EE 8最新動向! - connpass
It is very difficult for me to write the blog in English.
I would like to thank all of staff!!!